An independent company specialising in the supply, installation and servicing of heating systems for boats and mobile installations.
Welcome to Marine Heating Ltd, your one stop shop for onboard and mobile diesel heating and cooking. With over 25 years' experience in boating life, we can help design, install and maintain your heating system to ensure you have an efficient, cost–effective system. Whether you're a small narrowboat, commercial vessel or luxury horsebox or even an offshore lighthouse, we can help.
Marine Heating covers London and the South as part of our day–to–day work, and most other areas as and when required. As a rule, we carry a full range of spares for both Wallas and Kabola systems and can fix most problems on the day.
We frequently visit Europe and work extensively across France and Belgium. We can travel further afield if it's viable.
For smaller vessels or those not requiring full–time heating we can supply and fit Wallas heating/cooking. Perfect for occasional use, Wallas warm air heating is a fast, efficient and quiet system that can quickly heat up your cabin. Available from 2.2 to 4.5kw these units are near silent in operation. Available with standard control or Bluetooth they are easily controlled when onboard.
Marine Heating Ltd. offers all customers the best possible service – please call us with any questions you may have.
07815 576532 or email us HERE